God’s blessings to all of you on this Easter Tuesday! This past Lenten season has gone by so quickly and I pray that it was a time of deepening your own faith as well! As many (if not all) of you are aware we launched a 40 day devotional series that included several videos each day. I am taking a very informal poll to see if this is something that what beneficial to you and if we should keep doing something like it in the future. It would not be an everyday sort of thing, but I could see doing it a couple of times a week. Also, keep your eyes open for the launch of a weekly podcast from Cross of Calvary. There is a lot of exciting stuff that we are about ready to launch. But, before we launch two questions:
1) Would this be something you would like to see and take part in?
2) What are some ideas for Bible studies or topics that you would like to see addressed?
ok maybe three questions!
3) Would you be willing to recommend these things to a friend?
Also, if you took part in our Lenten study–What was the most helpful? What was the least helpful? What would you like to see?
You can send your response directly to me at:
God’s blessings to all of you as we begin this Easter season!