In a very true way the whole world is our neighborhood. I think many of us have Mr. Rogers to thank for this. He was coming to us from his studio in New York or wherever he was recording and we were in our living rooms, family rooms, or kitchens around the country–if not around the world. So, who are the people–everyone. What are we called to do in this neighborhood–all work together to ensure a healthy and functioning world. We can not do this alone and the God news is we don’t–we have each other and most importantly we have Christ who stands with us!
Will we make mistakes along the way? Absolutely! But, that is not an excuse to give up–ever! Christ comes and raises us up to begin again loving and serving in his neighborhood each day! Listen to this song and think about what Christ is raising you up to do this day! Pick one thing! Remember we are not called to everything, but rather do one thing well each day and work with a whole host of neighbors who are also called to do one thing well and make Eeyore waves!