Whoa! Is it really the last 10 days of August??
I’m sure you’ve heard it a million and one times already, “Where did the summer go?”
I know for us here at Cross of Calvary it has gone that way. I’d like to move from the word ‘busy’ to FULL. That is what this summer was: it was FULL.
And I pray that your summer was just as FULL.
Full of friends and laughter, family and memories, bonfires and water, sunshine and grilled food.
Full of the Holy Spirit surrounding us; reminding us of all the amazing blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Each sun shining morning (even it if was 86% humidity) was a beautiful blessing; each thunderstorm, each barefoot walk in the grass.
Enjoy these last remaining days that He has sent to us in this fleeting season we call summer.
Because far too quickly we are trading swimsuits for sweaters, flip flops for boots, and green grass with frost.
May God bless your last carefree summer days and strengthen you for the upcoming year!