This last week our Sunday School lesson was about Noah and the Ark.
This seems to be a timeless classic in regards to bible stories. Even people who know nothing of the bible, or religion have heard about Noah. There are 4 key points to the story that everyone classifies. They are
- Big boat
- 40 days/nights of rain
- 2 of every animal
- Rainbow
How devastating would it be to walk out of the ark after months of being cooped up in there, to see all of creation as a big, soppy, dead mess.
That is where the Rainbow comes in.
I’m putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. From now on, when I form a cloud over the Earth and the rainbow appears in the cloud, I’ll remember my covenant between me and you and everything living, that never again will flood waters destroy all life. Genesis 9:12-16 The Message
And after seeing the aftermath, that rainbow must have been the most beautiful thing Noah and his family had ever seen. Amid all the mud, dirt, and nothingness there was this bright colorful ribbon spread against the clear sky.
The rainbow is a beautiful and gentle reminder of God keeping his promise. It’s like he puts a sticky note in in the sky as a reminder that his promises are always kept.
Noah may have faltered in his faith after all he went through, wouldn’t you? At times I can imagine Noah being afraid, confused, and feeling hopeless. As we all feel as some point. But, God finally shut the rain down, opened the heavens, and dried up the flood.
We may not know when, or how, or where but he does answer our prayers. He will stop our flood, and send a rainbow – we just have to be looking..

Pray with me:
Lord, we don’t know your plan, and we don’t know the purpose behind many things that happen. But we do know that you are everlasting, and so are your promises. Help us to remember that a midst all the ugliness in our lives, that you will always shine through our darkest days as a rainbow, with the promise that you will be with us forever. Amen