QUICK BEFORE YOU HIT THE LOW BRANCH! TURN AROUND AND LOOK! It is good looking back and seeing all the ways that Christ has carried us through some trying moments and some amazing moments and all the in between moments of our life. BUT, in order to live the life he desires for us, we are to look around and ahead. There are some definite pitfalls if we spend too much time in the past. Namely that we could hit that branch right in front of us! WATCH OUT!!!!!!
The one who walks with us is none other than the one who saves us. This song is a great reminder of that. It is not what we have done or will do, but it is all about what Christ has done for us. May that give us wisdom as we make sense of the past and a sense of renewed mission as we look around and ahead. Enjoy “Who I Am” by Casting Crowns. As you listen, think to yourself, “What does this mean for my life?”