What are some of the things that are holding you back today?
Let us pray: Gracious God, strengthen us for the journey. You have blessed us in incredible ways–talents, gifts, personality, but many times we are afraid to let them shine. Give us the strength to let them shine so your goodness may be made known. Amen!
As you watch this video (which is very contemplative), what are some of the images or pictures that you have that symbolize and hope or dream that is lost, a fear, a worry. Then think of what are the rays of hope in your life. What are pictures symbolize that? For we know that Christ meets us on the cross in the midst of our hope lost, our fears, etc. But, we know that the cross does not have the last word. The resurrection assures us that everything will be alright. If you are welling share with me those actual pictures (both your fears and hopes) using your great photographic skills. We will use them during our Holy Weeks services up on the screen. The origin of the pictures will remain confidential! But, if you are willing to do this, please send the pictures to: [email protected]. Thank you ahead of time!