We have made it to day number two of a forty day journey. If you have looked at a calendar and tallied the days from Ash Wednesday to Easter you will find that there are more than 40 days. So, does this mean that for years the church has been horrible at basic math. As horrible as I am at math, this is not the case. Sundays are not included in the Lenten journey. This is because from the early church on Sundays were meant to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. With that said we focus our attention to day 2 and the question, “Who touched me?”
As you ponder what in your life needs healing, ask yourself not just about physical healing but emotional as well. Know that Christ stands with you and will walk alongside of you giving you the true healing of his presence. May we be patient in this process. May we also recognize the healing he gives may take a different shape that what you may be expecting.
As you have been pondering what in your life needs healing, may you know that God indeed “makes beautiful things out of the dust”!
At the end of these video you will see links to other You Tube videos. None of these are associated with Cross of Calvary.